CALL: European Commission Marie Curie Actions – Research Fellowship Programme (IEF o IIF) at CEDAT, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.

11/06/2013 16:04

A pedido da Profa Danielle Annoni e da Profa Susana Borràs divulgamos a presente chamada:

The CEDAT (Tarragona Centre for Environmental Law Studies) is a interdisciplinary research community with an increasing international projection. We seek to attract excellent researchers under the Marie Curie Actions – Research Fellowship Programme (IEF or IIF). The European Union provides funds for research projects of excellence that attain high ratings in the evaluation process (more than 90 out of 100 for social sciences). Successful candidates will join the CEDAT not sooner than 1 March 2014. For more details, see

These are the main features of the call:

·        These Marie Curie Actions are open to experienced researchers (in possession of a doctoral degree or at least 4 years of research experience).

·      Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF): An individual grant allowing an Experienced Researcher to move within Europe to pursue his/her research project. IEF funding is provided for advanced training. This may include the acquisition of new and/or complementary skills, and transnational mobility. The training is based on a personal career development programme agreed between the researcher and the supervisor at the host organisation. Financial support is provided for a period of 12-24 months (full-time equivalent), for individual projects presented by experienced researchers from Member States or Associated Countries in liaison with a host organisation from a Member State or Associated Country.

·         International Incoming Fellowships (IIF): An individual grant for Experienced Researchers based in third countries (non-Europeans) willing to receive a research training in a host institution based in Europe. IIF funding is provided for a research project which will transfer knowledge into your host organisation and building or enhancing collaborations between Europe and the rest of the world. The research project will also allow you to advance your career. Financial support is provided for 12-24 months (full-time equivalent).

·       Yearly reference rates for monthly living allowances under employment contracts (Correction Coefficient index for Spain 97,7/100). Experienced researchers (< 10 years experience) 58 500/Year. Experienced researchers (>10 years experience) 87 500/Year. In addition to the living allowance, a mobility allowance will be paid for some categories of researchers.

·         Deadline (submission to the European Commission): 14/08/2013

The Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the CEDAT will be hosting the 12th Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law between 30 June and 5 July 2014. The Colloquium’s theme is Energy for a Fair Society in a Safe PlanetThe CEDAT seeks to host Marie Curie Fellows that conduct research on energy issues under a predominantly legal approach, combining a dual perspective of environmental justice and sustainability. Successful candidates will be expected to collaborate in the organization of the Colloquium.

Interested candidates should liaise as soon as possible with the CEDAT at

More information about the CEDAT in

Antoni Pigrau

Director of CEDAT