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How to apply

Thank you for choosing the Graduate Program in Law (PPGD) at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). During its more than 40 years of operation, the Program has already graduated more than 800 master’s students and 200 doctoral students, establishing itself as one of the most important graduate programs in Law in Brazil. This importance has been recognized by CAPES, which, in its periodic evaluations, consistently awarded the PPGD grade 6 (reserved for graduate programs considered of great national relevance) in all of its evaluations.

There are several ways to join the PPGD/UFSC. Regular students may apply for admission through a selection process open to the community, through agreements, and, in case of foreigners, through special programs. In addition, it is possible to develop activities in the Program as a special student or as an audit student. It is also possible to carry out Postdoctoral Reseach in the Program.




  1. Admission Process

    The Admission Process for the Master’s degree and Doctoral degree programs is open to all who wish to carry out in-depth studies in the legal area or in related fields. The main purpose of graduate degree studies is to train high-level specialists in a specific area, capable of meeting qualified professional demands and, especially, teaching in higher education.

    The Process consists of the following stages: written test, pre-project analysis, curriculum analysis and interview. The applicant must indicate, at the time of application, the supervisor, the line of research and the area of concentration according to the places indicated in the Call.

The Process takes place every year, and usually obeys the following approximate schedule:

May: probable launch period of the call for applications
June – July: probable period of receipt of applications
August – October: probable period of completion of the process steps (written test, curriculum and project analysis, interviews)
February – March of the following year: probable period of admission of new students


For more information on the admission process, we recommend reading the specific page on our website and the previous calls for applications.



  1. Special students and audit students

    Non-degree students who are interested in the Program can take courses as special students or audit students.

    Special students are those enrolled in any Brazilian graduate programs, in any area, at UFSC or other institutions, who wish to take single courses in the PPGD to validate credits required in their programs of origin. Students enrolled in single courses shall regularly participate in all activities programmed by the course instructor, and will be entitled to credits and validation of class hours and attendance upon completion.

    Those who are not enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral degree program are able to attend courses in the PPGD as audit students. Audit students are not required to carry out the course activities designated for regular students, except at the request of the instructor, and are not entitled to credits or validation of class hours or attendance. To request enrollment as an audit student, the interested student must contact the faculty member responsible for the course in the first week of classes of the respective academic quarter.

    For more information, we recommend referring to the specific page about single courses on our website. To contact the faculty members, we recommend sending an e-mail through the address given on the Faculty page. To check the schedule of courses for the respective academic term, we recommend accessing the course syllabi. For technical information on the selection process of special students and audit students, we recommend referring to Resolution no. 4/PPGD/2016.



  1. Special programs for foreigners

    Foreign students can enter Brazilian universities through special programs. Among them, we highlight the scholarship program for foreign students coming from Portuguese-speaking countries and programs for foreigners from other countries.

    3.1. Agreements for Portuguese-speaking students

    The scholarship program for foreign students from Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa and East Timor was signed through agreements between the Brazilian government and its correspondents in Portugal and in Lusophone Africa, and is intended for those interested in attending a full-time graduate program in Brazil. To apply for admission through this program, they must contact the PPGD Office, presenting a research project and indicating a supervisor. The application is subject to the approval of the Program’s Council and to a proof of receipt of scholarship granted by the country of origin.

    For more information, contact the PPGD office at ppgd@contato.ufsc.br.

    3.2. Agreements for students from other countries

    Foreign students of any origin who wish to take a full Master’s or Doctoral degree program in Brazil can apply for the Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG). This program offers scholarships for completing the course in Brazil, and some additional benefits.

    For more information on the PEC-PG, we recommend referring to the CAPES and the Ministry of Foreign Relations websites.




  1. Academic Mobility Agreements

    Those who are interested and already enrolled in Master’s or Doctoral degree courses in Brazil or abroad may join the PPGD/UFSC through special agreements, including the co-supervision

and the sandwich doctoral program (PDSE program).

4.1. Co-supervision
Co-supervision is a category of academic mobility agreement destined for students of other higher education institutions, in Brazil or abroad, that allows for the completion of academic activities at another institution and leads to a double degree. For more information on co-supervision, we recommend referring to the information available on the Prorectorate for Graduate Studies website.
4.2. Sandwich Doctoral Program



The Sandwich Doctoral Program is a category in which the student enrolled in a Higher Education Institution carries out activities in another Institution, in Brazil or abroad, and returns to the home institution to defend their thesis. Unlike the co-supervision, the sandwich doctoral program does not provide a double degree. The sandwich period is usually of one or two semesters after completion of all academic activities prior to the defense of the thesis, including the defense of the project (qualification). The objective of the Sandwich Doctoral Program is to provide the student with a more comprehensive knowledge of their area of interest and with direct contact with experts from another institution, favoring the exchange of academic experiences.

Those interested in joining the PPGD/UFSC as a sandwich student must contact the institutions where they are enrolled and check the necessary procedures.





  1. Postdoctoral Research

Scholars who have completed their doctoral degrees can continue their studies and exchange academic experiences with the PPGD/UFSC community by applying for a postdoctoral position. This position involves research, academic production and/or teaching activities, according to the activity plan agreed with the supervisor (a member of the faculty) at the host University.

Contrary to common sense, postdoctoral research is not an academic title; the highest academic degree is the Doctoral degree (or its equivalent Ph.D., obtainable in universities of some countries). For this reason, postdoctoral activities are more independent than those of the Master’s and Doctoral degrees, and the supervisor has the autonomy to decide the necessary requirements for the fulfillment of the activities.


Application – To carry out postdoctoral research in the PPGD/UFSC, the applicant must follow UFSC regulations on the subject, in particular Resolution no. 36/CUn /2013, which regulates the completion of this type of study at the University, and gather and send the necessary documentation to the Program. The application can be made at any time.


Documents required for application are as follows.

  1. Copy of the online application form completely filled in;
    2. Letter of Acceptance from the Supervisor in the Program, informing the period in which the activities will be developed; the area and line of research to which the project relates; and whether there will be scholarships granted by funding agencies or other sources (the supervisor must be a permanent PPGD faculty member);
    3. Copy of the Doctoral Diploma (front and back) issued by a Brazilian institution with Graduate Program accredited by CAPES, or by a foreign institution, provided that a Brazilian consular seal is affixed to the diploma, except in cases covered by specific diplomatic agreements. If the diploma has not been issued yet, the applicant must submit a proof that the document has been requested;
    4. Updated Curriculum Vitae (from Lattes platform, or, in case of foreigners, a CV in a similar format);
    5. Plan of Activities to be developed, including timetable (no more than 15 pages);
    6. Copy of the national identity card or, in case of foreigners, copy of the passport and the RN E number (National Registry of Foreigners).
  2. Proof of scholarship granted by funding agencies or other sources, or, in case the applicant does not receive any scholarship, the following are required:
  • Proof of sufficient funds to cover personal and research expenses;
  • Statement of full time availability and exclusive dedication to the postdoctoral studies;
  • If the applicant is employed: statement from the employee authorizing the leave for postdoctoral studies;
  • If the applicant is not employed: volunteer service agreement, duly signed by the Program Coordinator, the applicant and witnesses.




Registration of postdoctoral researchers in the PPGD/UFSC is dependent upon the approval of the application by the Program’s Council and the registration with the Prorectorate for Graduate Studies (PROPG). In view of this, it is necessary that the application is made at least three months before the start date of the activities.

Completion – Once the postdoctoral activities have been completed, the researcher must submit to the Supervisor a summarized final report of activities, accounting for all activities carried out. The Supervisor shall forward the report and a statement of approval to the Program’s Council. Once the Council has confirmed the completion of the activities, it will be possible to issue the certificate.

Certificate – The certificate of completion of the postdoctoral studies is issued by the PPGD Office and will be signed by the Program Coordinator and the Supervisor. After the signatures, it will be made available for the researcher.

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